Shan Liang, DOM, AP, is a doctor of Oriental medicine and a Florida-licensed acupuncture physician certified by the National Commission for Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, as well as a diplomate in acupuncture and Chinese herbology. He received his medical training at Shandong University School of Medicine, where both conventional and traditional Chinese medicine is integrated in one of the best medical schools in China. Dr. Liang was a medical physician for seven years at Qian Fu Shan General Integrated Hospital, where both Western and Chinese medicine are practiced.
Dr. Liang has been practicing and teaching TCM in the U.S. since 1992. He specializes in treating neurological and immune deficiency disorders with complementary medical and TCM approaches. He provides continuing education courses for acupuncturists and has given educational presentations at the University of South Florida and Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, FL. He has had personal training from Li Chun Huang, renown auricular specialist and Zhaohao Wang, M.D. author of Practical Neuromuscular Acupuncture. Dr. Liang’s grasp of integrative medical approaches combined with his TCM knowledge made his practice highly successful.
He specializes in an integrated approach and works effectively with Western medical doctors. Dr. Liang has had great success in the treatment of spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, sport injuries, lower back pain, arthritis, depression, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, general pain, fibromyalgia, neck pain, frozen shoulder, allergies, peripheral neuropathy, cancer side effects and so much more. Published an article of “Treatment of Fibromyalgia with Traditional Chinese Medicine” as well as a research paper of “Significant neurological improvement in two patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis after 4 weeks of treatment with acupuncture injection point therapy using enercel” on Pub med. His unique combination of acupuncture, point injection, homeopathy, and Chinese herbal therapy also benefits most common ailments, including cold and flu symptoms, hypertension, insulin resistance, weight loss, and skeletal, muscular, and neurological disorders.