Dr. Barnblatt is a doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine in the U.S.A.
She holds both Doctoral & Master’s degrees of Acupuncture & TCM from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has been in practice for 25 years. She maintains two private clinics in San Francisco. She is a chief Acupuncture doctor for San Francisco Ballet as well as SF Chinese Hospital. In 2004, Dr. Barnblatt served as a Research Acupuncturist for the post-open heart surgery patients at the Pacific Medical center in UCSF.
In 2007, Dr. Barnblatt received an Award from the San Francisco Mayor’s office for her excellent work in the Chinese Medicine field and her service to the SF community. In 2011, Dr. Barnblatt helped Shanghai TCM University its First bilingual Teaching Program in Acupuncture & Tuna Department. She is a medical translator for People’s Medical Publishing House in Beijing, Shanghai TCM University & Henan TCM University. Dr. Barnblatt is an honorable visiting professor & scholar for Henan TCM University, China. She is also an Honorable lecturer for the Italian Medical Acupuncture Association. Dr. Barnblatt serves as the board member of Acupotomology Society of the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine both in China & Worldwide. She is a member of Acupuncturist without Border- U.S. Team and has done many volunteer services worldwide. Dr. Barnblatt has a great passion for the work she does, and she goes to China every year to further her knowledge in the Acupuncture & TCM field.