On this page some of our graduate students introduce themselves to you. They all work in practice and are happy to tell something about their passion in working as an acupuncturist.

Mirjam Schardam
I started my education at the Academie Qing-Bai, but graduated my acupuncture in 2019 at Shenzhou Open University of Tradional Chinese Medicine. Two different academies with both their own, distinct approach. I feel I have benefited from both. In 2018 I started to work together with my niece (hypnotherapist) and her daughter (psychologist) at ‘de Relatie Company’ Coming from a Dutch family business (cheese export company), I felt like Alice in Wonderland when I started my TCM journey. This drastic change still feels very satisfying and fulfilling; a real yin yang experience. Everyone who feels the need to look at his/her relationship with and between body, mind and spirit from the perspective of Chinese medicine philosophy is welcome to visit our company.

Mirjam van Huis

Caroline Le Cat
My name is Caroline Le Cat, a qualified acupuncturist, graduated from Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Description of life / why TCM? / practice I graduated in 2009 as a choreographer at the dance academy. As a choreographer, dancer and dance teacher I have a constant fascination for the body. By dancing intensively I have become very aware of the balance between body and mind. The philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the coherence and balance between people and the environment at every conceivable level. It sees mankind as the unity of body and mind. This philosophy in particular appeals to me and has made me an acupuncturist. At the Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine I found the challenging study for acupuncturist. It was three intensive years of studying hard and many new insights. The inspiring teachers with a wealth of experience made me go into practice with great confidence. The practice at home is characterized by a lot of time and attention for the patient. In my practice i treat all kinds of complaints. Characteristic for my practice is a total treatment in which, in addition to acupuncture, nutrition and exercise also play an important role. My special interest is in psychological complaints, especially those of our current society such as burnout, depression and stress. I like to listen without judgment and look at possibilities with an open mind.
At young age I chose to travel around the world with my backpack. Particularly areas with people who still lived in harmony with nature caught my attention. These experiences made me realize that a strong and healthy life is about harmony. Harmony with yourself and the environment.
Elif Arankayra
After graduating in 2017, I have set up my own practice BlueSky Acupuncture in the center of Amsterdam where I focus mainly on digestive problems, hormonal balance, pain and cosmetic acupuncture. In my practice I combine several different schools with traditional acupuncture such as Balance Acupuncture and Master Tung.
Beate Lendt
With an early interest in Chinese and Japanese culture and my own experience with acupuncture to relieve allergic problems as a teenager, I was happy to find Shenzhou Open University. Having worked as architect and filmmaker I followed the Foundations of Chinese medicine course out of interest in the first place, but then got drawn into the world of Chinese Medicine. After having finished my acupuncture studies in 2014 and the Western medicine course (MBK), I decided for a career change and started to work as an acupuncturist in my own practice in 2016. Since then I enjoy every day that I work with my patients next to being engaged as Study Coordinator at Shenzhou. The studies at Shenzhou with its experienced teachers gave me a solid foundation for further exploration of the vast knowledge of TCM, which will be a lifelong learning experience.
Gregory Manchia
My background: 3D animations to show how satellites work I chose the Shenzhou open university because there, I could learn from Chinese Professors experts in teaching and busy with their practice too. My Path at At Shenzhou: After graduation, I opened my own studio in Leiden: I am very satisfied with my choice, my practice is going very good and I love my work as a therapist.I strongly advise Shenzhou open university because there you can learn all you need to become a Chinese Medicine Practitioner.
My Hobby: studying psychology and medicine. One day I decided to turn this passion into my profession.
Berry Manders
Background: Physical instructor/teacher, also coach & trainer in leadership-, team- and personal development. Motivation: very interested in health and human behavior. Off course all my life interested in the ‘oriëntal’ knowledge. Also background in different Martial Arts. Today only Tai Chi and Wing Tjun Kung Fu. Study experience at Shenzou: it felt like homecoming to my family. Very much enjoyed the multicultural aspect of the English classes. I had only Chinese doctors who were very experienced. Learned much! Current practice: mostly acupuncture and moxibustion. Also teacher Qi Gong and Tai Chi at
Elena Chernoyarskaya
I was born in Moscow and graduated from Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry( MSUMD) in 1997. 1997-1999 I continued my specialisation in dental surgery. After finishing my studies, I worked for over 10 years in a hospital and private clinics of Moscow. With a long history of being interested in alternative healing practices as well as the differences between Chinese and Western medicine, I engaged in studying of TCM at Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Amsterdam, and after several years of study, I graduated with Cum Laude honour in TCM Acupuncture. My website: