Our Courses

© 2021 - Shenzhou University of TCM

Open Day - Saturday, May 10, 2025

Join our Open Day to gain insight into our exciting range of study programs. Meet our dean, some of our lecturers, and the study coordinators.

Open Day
Saturday, May 10, 2025

Shenzhou accredited by SNRO!

Shenzhou Open University of TCM is very proud to announce that all our 3-year TCM educations Acupuncture, Tuina & Herbal medicine (English & Dutch language) are accredited according to the accreditation system by SNRO, the national recognized accreditation organization on complementary and alternative medicine.

Meer informatie over SOU

Met meer dan 30 jaar onderwijservaring achter ons, hebben we een uitstekende reputatie in ons vakgebied opgebouwd, waar zowel de school als de alumni trots op mogen zijn